English Heritage arbetar med platsutveckling av kulturhistoriska byggnader och miljöer

Från världsberömda förhistoriska platser till bunkrar från kalla krigets dagar – English Heritage förvaltar och utvecklar över 400 historiska byggnader, monument och platser.

An assessment of the effects of conservation areas on value   

  • People value living in conservation areas
    Houses in conservation areas sell for a premium of 23% on average. A premium of around 9% exists even after adjusting for other factors that affect house prices such as location and type of property. This adjusted premium was lower for conservation areas deemed to be ”at risk”, being approximately 5%.
  • Conservation areas have had stronger house price appreciation than other areas
    On average, property prices inside conservation areas have grown at a rate that exceeded comparable properties elsewhere by 0.2% a year.
  • Properties closer to the centre of conservation areas sell for more
    The premium for living towards the centre is approximately double that at the edge controlling for other factors, suggesting that people value being surrounded by a greater density of heritage.
  • People value living near to conservation areas
    There is also a premium (albeit less) for properties outside conservation areas being more closely located to a conservation area. This premium is found to decline from the boundary of the areas and becomes 0 at around 500-700m distance.


Saving Britain’s Past – Tom Dyckhoff besöker Park Hill i Sheffield

Vad menas med kulturarv och vad bör bevaras till framtida generationer? Följ med arkitekturkritikern Tom Dyckhoff till Park Hill i Sheffield. Att byggnadsminnesförklara (K-märka) Park Hill var ett  mycket kontroversiellt förslag i Storbritannien, bostadsområdet var visserligen en gång hyllat som ett av allmännyttans mest banbrytande bostadsområden i Storbritannien men decennier av uteblivet underhåll förvandlade stadsdelen till ett dystert och förslummat område som ingen ville kännas vid eller bo i. 2007 startade fastighetsutvecklaren Urban Splash och English Heritage ett arbete med att omvandla delar av området till en stadsdel med bostadsrätter, affärs- och kontorslokaler. Urban Splash har gjort en kraftig upprustning i området men samtidigt lyft fram det som var tidstypiskt och karaktäristiskt för Park Hill.

Affärs- och kontorslokaler i Park Hill.

Delar av Park Hill har omvandlats till bostadsrätter.

Heritage Action Zones – Historic England

Heritage Action Zone är ett spännande initiativ från Historic England som syftar till att skapa ekonomisk tillväxt och förbättrad livskvalitet på platser och orter i England. 

English Heritage and London School of Economics: Conservation areas have had stronger house price appreciation than other areas

A statistical analysis of over 1 million property transactions between 1995 and 2010 from the Nationwide building society, and data on the characteristics of over 8000 English conservation areas. This is the first rigorous, large-scale, analysis of the effects of conservation areas on house prices in England.

An assessment of people’s perceptions of conservation areas, and how these relate to house prices. This involved a survey of residents in 10 conservation areas in and around London, supplemented by interviews with local planning officers.

What the analysis of house prices found

  • People value living in conservation areas
    Houses in conservation areas sell for a premium of 23% on average. A premium of around 9% exists even after adjusting for other factors that affect house prices such as location and type of property. This adjusted premium was lower for conservation areas deemed to be ”at risk”, being approximately 5%.
  • Conservation areas have had stronger house price appreciation than other areas
    On average, property prices inside conservation areas have grown at a rate that exceeded comparable properties elsewhere by 0.2% a year.
  • Properties closer to the centre of conservation areas sell for more
    The premium for living towards the centre is approximately double that at the edge controlling for other factors, suggesting that people value being surrounded by a greater density of heritage.
  • People value living near to conservation areas
    There is also a premium (albeit less) for properties outside conservation areas being more closely located to a conservation area. This premium is found to decline from the boundary of the areas and becomes 0 at around 500-700m distance. English Heritage

Read the full report >>>

English Heritage: Historic assets, economic growth and community well-being

The historic environment is the context within which new development happens. Major inner city renewal, rural development and diversification, housing provision, transport schemes: all have the potential to enhance or degrade the existing environment and to generate time- and resource-hungry conflict.

Understanding how places change, what makes them distinctive and the significance of their history is the key to regeneration. The historic environment is part of successful regeneration because it contributes to:

• Investment: Historic places attract companies to locate, people to live, businesses to invest and tourists to visit. Market values in historic areas are often higher than elsewhere.
• Sense of place: People enjoy living in historic places. There is often greater community cohesion.
• Sustainability: Re-use of historic buildings minimises the exploitation of resources. There is evidence of lower maintenance costs for older houses.
• Quality of life: The historic environment contributes to quality of life and enriches people’s understanding of the diversity and changing nature of their community. English Heritage