Massakern vid muren – slaget om Gotland 1361

Den 22 mars öppnar Historiska museet utställningen ”Massakern vid muren – slaget om Gotland 1361”. Med hjälp av unika fynd från massgravar strax utanför Visby ringmur och nya kunskaper berättas historien om hur 1 800 gotländska bönder dog i en ojämlik strid. Utställningen invigs av kulturminister Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth kl. 13.00.

Tid kl. 13.00, 22 mars
Plats Historiska museet, Narvavägen 13–17
Fri entré hela dagen kl. 11–17

Visningar av Massakern vid muren – slaget om Gotland 1361.
Uppvisning av medeltida stridsteknik, rustningar, medeltida mode och hantverk.
Reenactment en ny utställning av fotografen och konstnären Martina Hoogland
Ivanow. För mer information se


Share your Iceland Secret! from Inspired By Iceland on Vimeo.

Share your Iceland Secret!

Do you have a special place in Iceland you would like to tell everyone about? Maybe it’s your favorite record store or that special place by the lake where the northern lights reflect in the water, but no one really knows about? Share your Iceland secret using #Icelandsecret on your social media platform or send an email to share the secret 

Inspired by Iceland Video from Inspired By Iceland on Vimeo.

Spaceport Sweden – Europe’s gateway to space in Kiruna, Swedish Lapland

Spaceport Sweden is Europe’s gateway to space and space travel. Located in Kiruna, Swedish Lapland we offer launch infrastructure, space adventures under the Midnight Sun and an international astronaut program; Zero-G flights, Centrifuge training & Northern Light Flights.

”Som Sabadell” (We are Sabadell) flashmob – Banco Sabadell

”On the 130th anniversary of the founding of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay homage to our city by means of the campaign ”Som Sabadell” (We are Sabadell) . This is the flashmob that we arranged as a final culmination with the participation of 100 people from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics de l’Òpera and Coral Belles Arts choirs”

Röyksopp & Robyn Do It Again Tour 2014


Röyksopp and Robyn have announced their plans for a joint tour during the summer of 2014. The Röyksopp & Robyn Do It Again Tour 2014 will head across Europe, North America and points beyond, stopping at carefully selected venues around the world.

Jun 13th Northside Festival – Aarhus, Denmark
Jun 17th – 20th Latitude Festival – Suffolk, UK
Aug 8th Øyafestivalen – Oslo, Norway

When Gentrification Works


”Gentrification doesn’t need to be something that one group inflicts on another; often it’s the result of aspirations everybody shares. All over the city, a small army of the earnest toils away, patiently trying to sluice some of the elitist taint off neighborhoods as they grow richer. When you’re trying to make a poor neighborhood into a nicer place to live, the prospect of turning it into a racially and economically mixed area with ­thriving stores is not a threat but a fantasy. As the cost of basic city life keeps rising, it’s more important than ever to reclaim a form of urban improvement from its malignant offshoots. A nice neighborhood should be not a luxury but an urban right.”
— Justin Davidson in New York Magazine

English Heritage: Historic assets, economic growth and community well-being

The historic environment is the context within which new development happens. Major inner city renewal, rural development and diversification, housing provision, transport schemes: all have the potential to enhance or degrade the existing environment and to generate time- and resource-hungry conflict.

Understanding how places change, what makes them distinctive and the significance of their history is the key to regeneration. The historic environment is part of successful regeneration because it contributes to:

• Investment: Historic places attract companies to locate, people to live, businesses to invest and tourists to visit. Market values in historic areas are often higher than elsewhere.
• Sense of place: People enjoy living in historic places. There is often greater community cohesion.
• Sustainability: Re-use of historic buildings minimises the exploitation of resources. There is evidence of lower maintenance costs for older houses.
• Quality of life: The historic environment contributes to quality of life and enriches people’s understanding of the diversity and changing nature of their community. English Heritage

Volvo XC70 och Zlatan – Made by Sweden

Sweden is our home. Mountains, vast forests, long distances, sun, rain, darkness, snow and ice. This inspires and challenges us when we develop our cars. The Swedish wilderness is our heritage and it is here we find our strength. Just like Zlatan Ibrahimović. This is our celebration of Sweden.

Sverige är vårt hem. Fjäll, snåriga skogar och ödsliga vägar. Midnattssol, regn, mörka nätter, snö och is. Den svenska vildmarken är vårt arv. Den inspirerar och utmanar oss när vi utvecklar våra bilar. Den ger oss kraft. Och det har vi gemensamt med Zlatan. Här är vår hyllning till Sverige.